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​Spiritual Direction

Getting Started

How do I get started?

We can start with a free 30-60 minute conversation to get to know each other and get an initial sense of whether we’d be a good fit. If we decide to proceed, we will discuss when (days/nights, weekdays/weekends), where (via phone or online during Covid), and how often (weekly, bimonthly, monthly) we’ll meet, as well as payment options and mutual expectations.

What does it look like?

Contrary to what the name suggests, spiritual direction is not about directing, or telling people what they should do or how to do it. Spiritual directors do not seek to advise or fix, rather they seek to identify and explore what is happening within the directee as they are experiencing the twists and turns of everyday life.


For this reason, some prefer the language of spiritual companioning, which better captures the spirit of this gentle and transformative process. Whichever language you use, the ways of being I seek to embody in this relationship include:


  • Invitation, not obligation

  • Curiosity, not judgment

  • Comfort with uncertainty

  • Wrestling as holy work

  • Trusting, not fixing

  • Compassionate listening

  • Sacred presence

  • Love, not fear

  • Desire, not duty

What is the format?

Most commonly, spiritual direction happens face-to-face or over the phone. Each 60-minute session begins with a brief period of silence. When you are ready, we will begin to explore the topics you’ve chosen to focus on that day. This is your time to speak what’s on your heart and mind; it is your safe space to be as vulnerable as you want to be. I will be listening for the “story within the story,” helping you slow down to explore deeper themes within your daily experiences. I will explore, notice, and wonder with you, seeking to discover where and how God is showing up in your story. And if God feels absent, we’ll hold that together with gentleness, too. We will honour every emotion in this safe and nurturing space, whether it’s joy, doubt, anger, or lament. These are all sacred waymarks on the spiritual path.


As part of our companioning, and in consultation with your personality, goals, and comfort level, our time together may include:


  • Silence

  • Prayer

  • Listening

  • Questioning

  • Reflection

  • Spiritual assessment

  • Reading

  • Ritual

  • Creative expression

  • Journaling

  • Lectio divina

  • Spiritual “homework”


Alternatively, I offer spiritual direction in a written format. On your own time, you are invited to journal your thoughts, feelings, and questions, and then share them with me. You may choose to focus on one or two experiences since our last conversation, or to explore a bothersome question, or to reflect on your spiritual journey in a particular way. I will prayerfully read your journaling and respond with thoughts, questions, and ideas for further exploration. This was part of my process for four years during my chaplaincy training, and journaling with a compassionate, thoughtful, nonjudgmental reader in mind helped me tap into profound learning and growth. This method of spiritual direction may be particularly appealing to people who are introverted, shy, or who need extra time to process and articulate their thoughts.


Finally, I can facilitate spiritual direction in a group setting at a reduced rate. With a committed and intentional group of people (4-5 max), this can be an amazing experience of spiritual exploration, community-building, and transformative growth. If this is something you’d be interested in attending, please contact me.

To learn more about spiritual direction, please see the following pages:


Welcome   Introduction   My Story   FAQs 

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